When I represented Benin I travelled to Boston. I visited Havard University one of the most prestigous University of the world. During the conference everyone was very competitive and viable. We wanted to make an impression to the people over there. The committee I had was not the best committee ever but the experience I gained was great.
Position paper
Committee: Historical General assembly 1980
Topic: Separatists Terrorist Groups
Country: Benin
Delegates: Charina Betances, Marcell Urena
The United Nation was created in order to “Prevent large scale conventional conflicts”. Separatist Terrorist groups are a threat to the world therefore it is of paramount matter to address this issue.
The Republic of Benin is a West African country. It is bordered by Togo to the west and Nigeria to the east. Benin is currently in the process of transitioning to a democracy. Benin was a former colony of France but a few years back it obtained its independence. Then it had a Marxist government and in 1979 the first election occurred. Benin has been through many transitions in the past couple of years but Benin knows how to get by them and this only makes our government stronger. Benin has had problems of its own; there has been poverty, low income, and hunger but we’ve done our best to get pass them. Benin is not a victim of separatist terrorist group just like many other nations.
Terrorism is an issue that we care about but it is not currently happening in our country. Even though we have different religious and groups of different background, we do not violate their human rights and their natural freedoms. We have country with refugees of different ethnicity, like from Togo, which have threatened the stability of our society and government but our efficient government knows how to deal with them. Unlike other countries where this causes separation and isolations of groups which eventually threaten the stability of their country and the world as a whole.
Benin doesn’t support nor promotes any terrorist groups. It does not have any terrorist groups in the country. Benin is a very peaceful country that is coping with its own issues by its own pace. Benin is experiencing growth very slowly but we are getting to where we want to be. In this year [1980] so far we’ve had an increase in development of 0.344% even though this number may seem insignificant; it is of great importance to us because through perseverance and by coping with issues that influences our growth.
Ultimately Benin believes that separatist terrorists cause threat to the international community. We first need to fix other problems such as poverty in continents such as Africa and Latin America. And for the countries that are coping with terrorism they need to enforce more their laws and meets their people’s need because that’s the main reason why they are having terrorist acts in their country. Benin also believes that we need to find the definition of terrorism because there is not a clear definition yet and this is why many countries are confused on what actions to take in this issue.
Committee rooms over there.
Group picture. =]
My friends & I at the restaurant in Boston.
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